Namada Community testnet tasks

Hi there!

If you're seeing this, it's because you've elected to try out a number of tests on our 0.22.0 testnet. We appreciate you! The reasons we need people who are willing to try out these transactions is so that we can see a) if they all work, b) when they don't work, what is the reason?

The really crucial part to understand here is that you are not obliged to be all that familiar with how to navigate code - we wouldn't be sharing this if we didn't think you could do it! Anyone can try this - it just takes a willingness to try it out.

Why should I do this?

Well - it's helpful! If you want to see the vision of Namada come together so that the maximal number of assets are being held in the private pool, retrofitting privacy to all of IBC, you'll want to consider helping us make sure that Namada works in the first place!

What you need to know in order to do this:

Well - luckily, not a lot! As mentioned, you'll want to flexibility to learn a basic understanding of the command line, but you seem like a smart cookie, since you're here! So long as as you follow the basic setup that you'll find here (thank you @bengt!), you should have everything you need to do what is included in this list.

As a reminder the current testnet is public-testnet-13.facd514666d5, which is what you'll respond to when asked what the current chain-id is when you connect to the network. Once you've made it through basic setup (it should be pretty straightforward and if you have any issues, please feel free to ask people in our discord for some help - people are generally very excited to have you trying out the network!

How I recommend you try this out

If I were you, I'd duplicate this document and write out your approach on a new sheet - that way you can track what you did. Each time you run through a task, you should think about copying and pasting the results of your effort underneath the task itself. You'll get the hang of it!

Once you've done all of this, it would be great if you could let the community know in #testnet how easy or hard it was to try out all of the tasks we have listed by dropping a line in the #testnet channel in our discord.

List of possible testnet tasks